Data Format

Raw Format

The raw format accepts texts in any formatL

I'd like to meet Dr. Choi. He's a professor at Emory University.

Sentence Format

The sen format expects a sentence per lineL

I'd like to meet Dr. Choi.
He's a professor at Emory University.

Tab Separated Values Format

The tsv format expects columns delimited by \t and sentences separated by \n.

1  I           I           PRP  _  3  nsubj     3:A0;5:A0  O
      2  'd          would       MD   _  3  aux       3:AM-MOD   O
      3  like        like        VB   _  0  root      _          O
      4  to          to          TO   _  5  aux       _          O
      5  meet        meet        VB   _  3  xcomp     3:A1       O
      6  Dr.         dr.         NNP  _  7  compound  _          O
      7  Choi        choi        NNP  _  5  dobj      5:A1       U-PERSON
      8  .           .           .    _  3  punct     _          O

      1  He          he          PRP  _  2  nsubj     2:A1       O
      2  's          's          VBZ  _  0  root      _          O
      3  a           a           DT   _  4  det       _          O
      4  professor   professor   NN   _  2  attr      2:A2       O
      5  at          at          IN   _  4  prep      _          O
      6  Emory       emory       NNP  _  7  compound  _          B-ORG
      7  University  university  NNP  _  5  pobj      _          L-ORG
      8  .           .           .    _  2  punct     _          O

The column fields are specified in the configuration files as follows:

        <column index="1" field="form"/>
        <column index="2" field="lemma"/>
        <column index="3" field="pos"/>
        <column index="4" field="feats"/>
        <column index="5" field="dhead"/>
        <column index="6" field="deprel"/>
        <column index="7" field="sheads"/>
        <column index="8" field="nament"/>