Morphological Analysis
Our morphological analyzer generates root forms (lemmas) of word tokens. It is a rule-based analyzer inspired by the WordNet morphy although it uses a larger dictionary gathered from various sources and more advanced heuristics. It also normalizes numbers, redundant punctuation, hyperlinks, etc (see the examples below), which is found to be useful for several NLP tasks (see toSimplifiedForm).
Ordinals and cardinals are normalized to #ord#
and #crd#
, respectively:
1st CD #ord#
12nd CD #ord#
23rd CD #ord#
34th CD #ord#
first CD #ord#
third CD #ord#
fourth CD #ord#
zero CD #crd#
ten CD #crd#
eleven CD #crd#
fourteen CD #crd#
Numeric expressions are normalized to 0:
10% XX 0
$10 XX 0
A.01 XX a.0
A:01 XX a:0
A/01 XX a/0
.01 XX 0
12.34 XX 0
12,34,56 XX 0
12-34-56 XX 0
12/34/46 XX 0
$10.23,45:67-89/10% XX 0
Redundant punctuation characters are collapsed:
.!?-*=~, XX .!?-*=~,
..!!??--**==~~,, XX ..!!??--**==~~,,
...!!!???---***===[[user:jdchoi77]],,, XX ..!!??--**==~~,,
....!!!!????----****====[[user:jdchoi77|1384441338]],,,, XX ..!!??--**==~~,,
Hyperlinks are normalized to #hlink#
: XX #hlink# XX #hlink# XX #hlink# XX #hlink#
EnglishLemmatizerTest shows how the anlayzer can be used in APIs.